ironeaters on Crystal DC

FFXIV character roleplay hub for ironeaters@tumblr
Balmung - Crystal DC

About Me!

Hi, my name is Ciid (they/them), and I'm in my late 20s and have been RPing for over 15 years. I currently work full-time, but I'm a freelance artist in my free time. I'm in the US in the EST timezone. Right now, work my schedule is M-F 10AM-7PM EST. While I do have my discord posted elsewhere, I don't tend to add people randomly or right away.Because I'm nearing 30, I prefer other roleplayers 21+. I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable connecting with anyone younger. I'm also LGBTQIA+ friendly and would rather not interact with anyone who speaks poorly of those groups.I fully believe that IC =/= OOC. I am not my characters! Whisper/DM/send me a tell if my character ever makes you uncomfortable and we'll work something out. Please don't be afraid of communicating with me OOC first. I highly appreciate the communication and ironing things out, or even just headcanoning!I'm completely cool with lore-bending but I tend to lean towards being lore-friendly. Absolutely no lore-breaking.I do enjoy dark and mature-themed roleplay and while I do roleplay romance, it's not my sole purpose for making connections. I'm extremely hesitant about shipping my characters and won't even go near ERP. ERP is another discussion, but know that I don't actively seek it out nor do it with strangers.Please don't be afraid to ask me about anything! If you're interested in an art commission, check out my commissions carrd.